The online casino industry is now at an all-time high and has never been more popular than it is right now. lists some of the most popular casinos around at the moment. Casinos have now near enough all moved to having an online presence with many of them looking set to not open their doors ever again. Since the pandemic happened online casinos have had a surge of new online users that have not visited an online casino before, this is due to so many people having more spare time on their hands. All of the casino companies have now realised that they needed to move online due to lockdowns causing them to lose so many customers, they have also created apps to try and attract the interest of the smart phone users. There are also a lot of casinos that have not yet moved to having an online presence but are all in the process of doing so due to seeing their rivals have so much success. It is hard to see if casinos will open up again since you can now access them from the luxury of your home or anywhere that you might be.
With online platforms being so busy you struggle to see why online casinos would open casinos again. There is a lot of information online about this and if we will see casinos open their doors once again to customers or will online casinos stick to staying online only. Online casinos are not the only popular platform to play on with many now offering their users casino apps from the app store that are compatible with either Apple or Android phones. This is a huge boost for online casinos and has seen a massive rise in new customers coming to the platforms. The recent surge in online casino users has been caused by the pandemic and covid causing people all around the world to stay at home, this caused a lot of people to look to keep themselves occupied with all the new spare time they now had available. Online casinos have ramped up marketing ideas to target new and also existing customers to come to their platforms to play on, this has also seen a huge increase in online casino players with many new customers looking to also find things to help pass the time by whist sitting bored at home.